The Benefit of Practicing Grounding Exercises
Practicing grounding exercises can have many benefits. Grounding exercises are a form of mindfulness practice. Research suggests grounding exercises can affect wellness and health in many areas including cognition and emotional health. And there is a myriad of different kinds of grounding exercises. So what are some of the benefits of practicing grounding? Below are several benefits of grounding
Focus on the Senses
Grounding exercises focus on physical sensations. Focusing on things like what we see, hear, smell, etc. Grounding by observing one’s senses is useful because it helps to cope with unwanted thoughts and sensations. These types of exercises are often used with people who struggle with PTSD, mood disorders, stress, and in substance use treatment.
No Time Traveling
That’s when we get in our hot tub time machine(or Delorean) and travel to the past or the future. When we go to the past we think about painful things from our past and play them over and over in that youtube viewer that only exists in our mind. Or we go to the future and think about all the unknown. “Will I have enough for retirement?” or “Will I find a romantic partner?” Your brain can’t be in two places at the same time. You can’t practice grounding and also be in the past or the future.
Grounding exercises are helpful in reaching a more relaxed state. While grounding, our level of relaxation increases. Consequently, our ability to cope also increases. Research literature establishes grounding as an effective coping technique for traumatic and unwanted thoughts and emotions. Relaxation is a key solution to coping with the consequences of many mental health struggles.
In conclusion, grounding exercises are easy to learn to do. They help people who struggle with stress, depression, anxiety, and similar mental health struggles. Click here to learn a simple grounding exercise.
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