I Need Help with Anxiety: Burlington NC Therapist

Coping with anxiety can be a paralyzing experience. It makes ordinary experiences more complicated. It dramatically affects people at home, at work, and in social situations. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nineteen percent of Americans struggle with anxiety. Research suggests that anxiety affects women more than men. There are a variety of types of anxiety including generalized anxiety, panic disorder, and social anxiety. Perhaps you suspect you need help with anxiety. If so, this article provides some strategies to confront your anxiety.
Thinking Ahead
One aspect of coping with anxiety that helps is staying ahead of situations that can activate your anxieties. for example, if you struggle with test anxiety, you can think ahead. Instead of allowing yourself to get overwhelmed, you can study for several days, instead of cramming. Consequently, You can make sure you are adequately prepared. You can ask for testing accommodations that will help you decrease your anxiety. Being proactive helps to overcome anxious symptoms. Think about how you can prepare for situations that affect your anxiety.
Mindful meditation can go a long way in helping people with anxieties. There are many great sources that can help with learning meditation. Meditation is a primary intervention used to helping people with substance use problems to manage addiction. I really like using guided meditations. I like the guided meditations at fragrantheart.com. They have guided meditations of various lengths. They help with calming anxious symptoms. For example, I had a friend who was required to take a test for his work and used a calming meditation before his test. As a result, He did great on the test and the meditation helped calm his test anxiety.
Deep Breathing Techniques
Deep breathing is another kind of meditation. Breathing techniques are a powerful tool in learning to manage anxiety. Changing your breathing can alter the body’s responses, Taking longer slower breaths, holding them for a couple of seconds and then exhaling changes decreases anxiety. When anxious, we tend to breathe shallow quick breaths. Deep breathing activates the calming response system of the body and that helps with anxiety. Further, deep breathing exercises are easy to learn, easy to implement and easy to do almost anywhere.
Take it in Small Bites
Anxiety can be paralyzing and overwhelming. Because of this, it is necessary to find ways to minimize its effects. One of the ways you can do this is by approaching the problems created by anxiety in small bites. When you look at the things that cause you anxiety, they seem big and imposing. However, when you break it down into small bites, it is much easier to manage the anxiety. For instance, if you are anxious about leaving the house, there are things you can do. First, you can just go outside to the mailbox. Next, you can walk to the end of the block. Then you can drive to the drive-through at a fast food restaurant. Then you can get gas and pay inside instead of at the pump. In summary, each of these steps moves one step closer to confronting the anxiety. Conversely, each step moves you one step further away from the paralysis of the house. Take it in small steps and you can manage the anxieties.
Anxiety is a prevalent problem that can have far-reaching implications. If you struggle with anxiety there are things you can do yourself to help you with your symptoms. However, if you may need help with anxiety a therapist can help to manage the effects of your anxiety. If so, there are many therapists in your area that are gifted at helping with anxiety.
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