Five People You Need for Your Child’s ADHD Treatment Team

Why You Need an ADHD Treatment Team: Burlington NC Therapist
Your child has an attention deficit disorder and you’re completely overwhelmed. His grades are tanking and he”s driving you crazy at home. I get it. It is not easy. You need help but you don’t know what to do. The only thing you do know is that you feel alone and you don’t know how to help your child. You need a group of people to help you help your child succeed and to help you keep your sanity. You need a treatment team to help you. Here are five people you should enlist in your ADHD treatment team.
Your ADHD Treatment Team Needs a Physician
A physician is an indispensable member of your child’s ADHD treatment team. a primary care physician can serve an important role in building a treatment team. First of all, a physician is instrumental in making a diagnosis. In addition, a physician can serve an important role in making medical referrals. You will need a physician in the event that you want any testing done. A physician can also assist you in locating a therapist that is gifted in treating attention deficit problems. Finally, should you decide that a medicinal strategy is necessary, a physician can prescribe appropriate medications.
Your ADHD Treatment Team Needs a Therapist
A second member of your child’s treatment team that you need is a therapist. A therapist can help a child with ADHD develop skills to aid them in succeeding at school, at home, and in social relationships. In some cases, a therapist can undertake any testing that may need to be done. This is, of course, dependent on the type of license they hold and the types of training they have received. A therapist can also provide treatment to help a child address negative thinking that may be having an effect on the child’s functioning. A therapist can also serve an important role in providing support and training the family to support one another. Research shows that the most effective treatment is a combination of medicinal and therapy.
Your ADHD Treatment Team Needs a Guidance Counselor
A guidance Counselor or school counselor is an indispensable part of your child’s ADHD Treatment team help your child succeed at school. Not only do guidance counselors help students with preparing themselves for college. They also help students to accomplish their educational goals while in school. This includes developing your child’s Individualized Educational Program (IEP) to customize your child’s educational experience. A guidance counselor or school counselor will work with you to determine what accommodations might be necessary for your child to succeed. She will then work with teachers on the implementation of accommodations.
Your ADHD Treatment Team Needs a Teacher
Finally, you need a teacher. This one is a little more complicated. Yes, you need a teacher. But, in reality, you need to connect to all your child’s teachers. A teacher is going to be the one that implements the accommodations specified in your child’s IEP. Therefore, it is important that you maintain a relationship with each of his teachers. Your child’s experience is going to be different in each class. There will be certain accommodations you discussed with the guidance counselor that is important in one class but not in another. So it is important to connect with each of the teachers.
Your ADHD Team has to Have a Parent
This is the most important person on the treatment team. The parent has the most to gain and the most lose. Because of this, they are motivated to achieve positive outcomes for their child. The parent is going to be the one that advocates for their child. He or she will be the one that coordinates care with doctors and therapists. He or she will be the one that communicates their child’s needs with guidance counselors and teachers to identify and implement appropriate accommodations. In short, the parent is at the center of the activities of the treatment team.
My purpose as a Burlington NC therapist is to serve not only my community but ADHD parents everywhere. It may seem overwhelming to talk about building a treatment team for your child. However, I would like to point out two things in closing. First, many of the suggestions in this article, you are probably already doing. Second, constructing a treatment team is not only to help your child succeed. It is also to help you keep from becoming overwhelmed and to maintain your mental and emotional wellness.
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